Post Doctoral Researcher Positions Available

Post-Doctoral Researcher in Data Analysis/Data Analytics of Renewable Energy Systems (up to 31st December 2021)
Post-Doctoral Researcher in Oceanography/Hydrography/Marine (up to 31st December 2021)
Post-Doctoral Researcher in Engineering Hydrodynamic/ Aerodynamic Loads of ORE devices (up to 31st December 2021)
Salary for Postdoctoral Posts: €39,138 - €45,090 p.a.
Application forms and job descriptions are available from LYIT’s website:
Applications on the official application form must be emailed to not later than 12.00 noon on Wednesday 1st July 2020.
Anticipated interview date 14th and 15th July 2020
Letterkenny Institute of Technology (LYIT) is seeking postdoctoral researcher(s) to become an active and valued member of the Bryden Centre to help execute projects related to marine energy systems, engineering and analysis. The researcher will analyse a variety of RES/ORE, systems, devices and designs. Candidates will use numerical and engineering modelling and measurement data to understand the limitations of engineering-level tools and improve our understanding of the behaviour of these systems. Candidates will apply the knowledge gained to help improve the models and/or identify regions of limitations of the engineering tools. They will also contribute to the development of methods, in-house tools, and an improved understanding of the levels of uncertainty in the associated models.