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Bryden Centre Closure Event

The Bryden Centre held an event on 7th June 2022 to celebrate the many achievements of the centre over the 5 years of the project. The Bryden Centre project, funded by the Interreg VA programme, is drawing to close at the end of June 2022. Business leaders, senior civil servants and academics came together to listen to the highlights from the research and business engagement that made the project so successful – truly delivering “Energy without Consequence”.

The Bryden Centre was proud to share that it has supported over 120 companies and organisations to innovate and decarbonise; as well as delivering over 30 PhD qualified researchers to deliver the high-level research and innovation skills needed to lead the green economy.

Paying tribute to the work of the Bryden Centre Economy Minister Gordon Lyons said:

“By bringing together partners from across industry and academia, this €9.4 million Interreg VA project has made a significant contribution to the development of new research expertise and capabilities, critical components of my vision for a 10X economy.

In addition, the Centre has also provided support to my Department’s development of the Energy Strategy for Northern Ireland, which we published in December 2021, and the subsequent Energy Strategy Action Plan 2022 published in January.

This Energy Strategy provides the comprehensive strategic framework to achieve net zero carbon and affordable energy for Northern Ireland, outlining the policy direction for increasing renewable energy across NI, and the actions required to deliver this ambition. I would like to thank the Bryden Centre and Queen’s University Belfast for providing intellectual resource and domain expertise through a diverse portfolio of renewable energy research projects that contributed to the Energy Strategy’s development.

As Economy Minister, I understand the importance of partnership and collaboration to deliver the research, skills and outputs that strengthen our economy and enhance our society. Through its support for over 120 companies and organisations to not only innovate and decarbonise but also to win funding for new products and services as well as providing over 30 PhD researchers to deliver the high-level research and innovation skills needed to lead the green economy, the achievements of the Bryden Centre are a terrific example of that and I would like add my congratulations to the leadership team and participant PhD students on reaching today’s milestone.”


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